Why should disabilities change who you are or what you dream of becoming?
Would your prayer group like to partner with us?
What if everyone walks to school but your legs are stiff or your feet turn under?
who know that God loves all children.
who need to know God's love and care
who need to see God's love in action
your time, your talents,
Our missionaries, clinicians, teachers, children and families cherish your prayers and gifts. Please Contact Us (or email wezeshakupaa@gmail.com) if you or your group would like to pray for more specific needs or if you would like to share your gifts and talents with us.
Dayspring Academy mission school is relatively inexpensive but parents of children with disabilities can rarely afford even modest tuition.
The cost of books and uniforms are an additional burden for families, and present another barrier to attending school for children with disabilities, especially girls.
Learning challenges and slower motor skills cause many children with disabilities to fall behind in their classwork. After school sessions at Dayspring help them keep up, but the increased tuition requirement presents an added burden.
Click to meet individual children who need financial assistance.
Developmental assistance to help a child reach their potential may require huge family sacrifice and is often limited by costs and distance. Prompt access to local services supports a less dependent child.
Physical therapy and access to mobility aids help a child reach their potential.
Costs when a child needs to travel for essential but locally unavailable surgical care can be prohibitive.
If you wish to sponsor a child please Contact Us. We are happy to provide more information.